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Saturday 20 May 2023


 Beach Buoy woke up.

He had a guess at the time.

4-20 a.m.?

He reached for his mobile phone.


He went downstairs.

He made a thermal mug of coffee.

Sunrise was at 4-51.

It was a foggy drive to the beach. 

There were five Gulls stood on the triangular traffic island at the end of the road.

There was a fight in progress.

One Gull held another by the tail.

The pair spun and spun.

They arrived in the car park at 4-43 a.m.

There was one overnight HGV parked up.

Beach Buoy was pleased to see that there wasn't a stick of litter left from the previous night's car meet.

A minute later 4-44, the 4x4 Border Collie Couple arrived.

The Fog Buzzer buzzed.

Over half of the Village was lost to the fog, all of the Headland too.

They headed south as Little Terns chattered in the greyness.

Out in the Bay, The Wind Turbines were missing too.

The smooth sea came in gently, like liquid fog.
At 4-57 "Sunrise " took place, somewhere out there.
Beach Buoy pulled up two Orange hoods.
It was more for the dampness as it was quite mild.

The 4x4 Border Collie Couple had done a quick short walk and we're already back on their way to the car park.
They walked slowly along the narrow beach, heading as they do to Stubborn Dog Stack.

5-32 a.m.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
He sat on a large stack stone.
He watched a grey sea break onto the grey rocks in the grey fog.
Unseen birds flew across the bay.north to south.
Their call sounded like a bag of cats. 
Beach Buoy sipped his coffee as he didn't watch the world go by, thanks to the fog. 
"See you mate."
They headed back to the beach.

They had a slow walk back.
Up ahead, a man was walking into the sea.
His dog wasn't so sure.
All was good.
The man was just having a foggy paddle.
As Beach Buoy headed to the access ramp, he could hear a lost phone ringing in the sand.
He was almost upon it when the call ended.
Opportunity gone.

A man and dog were heading down the ramp.
Beach Buoy was informed that fog comes off the land and fret off the sea.

They sat in the mobile beach hut.
Beach Buoy put on local radio and a pan of milk.
 He watched a couple return from the beach.
They had three dogs.
They were all tethered to a low fence like horses outside a saloon in a cowboy film.
They were all towel dried .

Beach Buoy stepped out to chat to Mr. Gunn/Nunn.
They wished each other well then went about their own day.
Team Muzzled Dog headed to the beach.