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Friday 7 April 2023



Beach Buoy had been awake an age.
He finally gave in, heading downstairs 
at 4-38 a.m.
 By 5-20 a.m. he was having a coffee in the van in the beach car park.

An LED-type circular Moon reflected the light from the approaching Sun.
He sat drinking the coffee as he watched the light increase out on the horizon.
He was hoping Good Friday would indeed be good.

Loud music drove into the car park.
Beach Buoy glanced at the time.
5-37 a.m.
The cars parked nearby.
It was Team Distant Wave,
they headed off for the tranquility of the beach.
Beach Buoy decided to wait a while.
It was still dark enough to see the marker lights flash in the bay.
Beach Buoy checked their "Apple and." timings were accurate.
They were.

Boots and paws touched sand at
The tide was well in.
There was a slight breeze from the north.
Team Distant Wave were well ahead along the beach to the South
Beach Buoy paused at the water's edge for a good while.

Another Dog's attention was drawn to some strangers up near the dune edge.
They looked like sunrise seekers?
A Large Moon looked down from above the dunes.
Snubbed once again.
Not a good feeling.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog turned to head south.
The breeze was on their backs.
Two hoods were up.
Around a dozen Pebbles with Legs skimmed across the water like slate-like stones.
Crows stood up ahead.
Beach Buoy had always thought them to be a little too pushy.
It all made sense recently when one of the 
7 a.m. club informed Beach Buoy that they bring cat treats to feed the crows. 

A Pale and Sad Moon slipped down behind the dunes.
It didn't stay long enough to see tha the supposed sunrise seekers were in fact dune dippers. 
The three headed for the sea in swimming costumes.

The sun came to seek them.

The 7 a.m club passed by.
They chatted a while.
They said their goodbyes.
In next to no time at all they were dots in the distance.

6-39 a.m.
"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
He sat and drank coffee.

Team Distant Wave and the 7 a.m.
Club headed back north on the beach below.
Beach Buoy watched a Skylark rise and fall without it bursting into song.

"See you mate."
Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to the North.

He paused to look back at the stack.
The light was gorgeous.

They headed towards the van.
A man with a Captain Scarlet hat and a Mari-the-friendly-poodle-lookalike dog headed South.

Once in the van, Beach Buoy put on a pan of milk.
He made coffee.
He watched the People watched.
Mr Gunn/Nunn arrived.
He waved to Beach Buoy as he and little Alfie, headed along the Promenade, to the access ramp.
A dog in a Mick Aston jumper headed the other way.