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Saturday 29 April 2023


Beach Buoy and Another Dog arrived in the beach car park at
6-20 p.m.
They headed down the beach access ramp.
Barny the Beagle was having some dog lead issues. 
Entanglement was involved.

It was a grey evening.

The tide was well out.

They headed south in the area of the strand-line.

Despite the greyness of the evening and the dampness of the air, Skylarks sang sweetly. 
A very wet, very brown Spaniel ran from the water's edge to say hello 
It's owners shouted for it to return.
Beach Buoy made it clear, even from a distance that all was ok.
The little dog was soon heading back to the sea.
Shortly afterwards, a bull-terrier type dog came over.
 It was H.B. grey.
It just wanted to show them it's driftwood stick.
It was a very fine stick indeed.

Someone had written in the sand.
That was it.
Was it someone missing 
Los Angeles?
Laura Ashley?
Or was it someone trying to unsuccessfully recall a tune that they once heard?

6-47 p.m.
"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones. 
He patted
He studied the vast beach as he drank Coffee.

He reached into his beach bag.
He pulled out some of his recent bits and bobs.
He laid them out between his feet.
He left them for others.

Time to go.
"See you mate."
They returned to the vast beach.
They walked south towards Sand Martin Corner.
The North Gare Pier was up ahead.
Two figures, escapees from a Lowry painting  were just leaving the Pier.
It seemed fitting that they had the remains of the steelwork behind them as a backdrop.

They bumped into the same twitter's mate that they had seen the night before.
After a lovely chat, they went their separate ways.

Beach Buoy pulled up two hoods.
More for comfort than for warmth.
One would think that the hoods would, if anything, muffle the sound of the sea?
Not this evening.
The sides of the hoods were acting like hands cupped to ears as though wanting to hear a whisper.
Beach Buoy heard the sea talk.
They shared stories and secrets alongside the water's edge.

Hiya, just me and the sea tonight.
So much space.
Maybe a benefit of  having  a fresh breeze off the sea?
As you know, l've emailed but you just can't beat a Post Card, can you ?
I've mislaid my umbrella, most probably in the Bus Station?
Typical 😂