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Sunday 11 June 2023


 Sunday Morning.

They were returning to the beach car park about twelve hours after their most recent visit.

They had spent Saturday afternoon chilling in the van at the beach.

No beach walk.

Too hot.

Too busy.

Just radio on low and relaxing.

Here they were now,  with an empty car park and a glorious start to the day.

It was 5-25 a.m.
The Sun was already up.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked to the strand-line.
They headed south.
There wasn't a soul in sight or sound.

Beach Buoy checked north.
No one.

The Sun was lovely.
The morning temperature was perfect for Beach Buoy.
The slight breeze off the sea was gorgeous.

It felt like he was the only person in the world.
Sometimes that can be the best feeling in the world at others the worst.

Beach Buoy checked the time as they travelled south.
5-46 a.m.
No one.

5-55 a.m.
The first of others appeared.
Dots in the distance.
It was an early 7 a.m. club. 

Skylarks sang.
A Crow picked and pecked at the strand-line sea weed.
Eighty-seven Gulls watched from the water's edge as a small container ship left the river.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to Stubborn Dog Stack.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
It was 6-05 a.m.

"See you mate."

They returned to the beach.
They continued south.

The 7 a.m. club had caught up by now. 
They had a nice chat 
Mari was up at Camp Distant Wave, checking that all was well. 
They went their separate ways.

Beach Buoy sat on a World War Two Tank Trap, watching a ship and the world go sailing by.
By the time that the 7 a.m. club were dots in the distance once more, Beach Buoy and Another Dog were just beginning a slow walk back alongside a sparkling sea.
The Sun slid behind a net curtain type cloud.
A morning that had always been lazy, now became hazy.

Beach Buoy came level with The Sea Serpent.
Beach Buoy cupped a hand to the side of his mouth.
"Are you O.K.? " he shouted.
He really did.
He does this from time to time to check on his Bay friend.
One green flipper rose from the sea.
"Are you O.K.? " came back.
It may have been the Sea Serpent or it may have been an echo?
Beach Buoy raised an orange-clad arm in lieu of a green flipper.

Beach Buoy looked around.
It was 6-41 a.m.
Apart from dots in the distance, the beach was theirs.
Just as well really, when you're shouting to a Sea Serpent.

They wandered up to the strand-line.
The tide was slowly working it's way in.

A man appeared, walking southwards.
He was wearing shorts 
His jumper was off, it's arms tied around his waist like a belt.
The garment hugged him the full length of the beach.
Beach Buoy tried to remember the last time he wore a top like that, tied around the waist.
He must have been around thirteen?

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the beach access ramp.
The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple were just head down to the beach.
They headed off to the strand-line, searching.
Their conversation along for the ride.

A ship came into Port, into the River Tees.

The litter-pick lady picked littler on the Promenade.
She disappeared down the ramp with her Shih Tsu-hating Scottie Dog. 
The dog is fine with lhasso apso dogs.
It just doesn't like Shih Tsu Dogs.
The lady came back up the ramp, dragging a large collection of beach litter.
A car pulled up.
A man stepped out with four Shih Tsu Dogs.
The litter-pick lady herded him and them along the Promenade towards another route to the beach.
It looked like the lady had warned him about her dog, the one that hated Shih Tsu Dogs.
It was still out of sight on the ramp.
The bemused man carried along the "safe" route.
He couldn't resist a look over the wall.
He must have been expecting the hound of the Baskerville's?

The litter-pick lady went to her red car.
She collected a bag of beach-found toys.
She went to the wall of the access ramp.
Laid out neatly.
She had chalked below.

Her dog was returned to the car for a short while.
There in wanted on Shih Tsu watch.

A Mam and three children headed to the access ramp.
They all choose from the borrow selection before disappearing down the beach access ramp.