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Sunday 4 June 2023



Beach Buoy woke at 4-05 a.m.

He went downstairs.

He made a thermal mug of coffee.

As he locked the front door of the house he could hear the sea.

He could see the wind turbines standing idle in the bay.

They arrived at the car park at 4-29 a.m.
Another Dog  looked like she would be happier dreaming about the beach rather than being there. 

An aeroplane crossed the sky as if pulling back the curtain to the start of another day.

Sunrise seekers stood to the north.

There was low cloud out on the horizon.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog were stood by the sea in time for the sunrise. 

Beach Buoy was returning around fifty sea pottery pieces back to the sea today.
They were all smooth pieces, nothing sharpe.
It where they belong.
He skimmed the pieces back into the sea as they walked along.

It was around 4-45 when the sun cleared low cloud.
A ship turned left at the Sun.

They continued south.
Beach Buoy found that the sea pottery release was quite liberating.

Another plane crossed the bay.

Beach Buoy stopped to make beach notes in this beach book.
He looked up to see that his sunshine shadow was making notes too.

Skylarks sang over the dunes.
The Sea Serpent checked the morning air.
It was 5-03 when the Sun's rays warmed Beach Buoy's fat face.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog climbed The Sandy Slope at 5-20.
There was no one around.
The other sunrise seekers had gone. 

"Morning Mate."
It was 5-23.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
Beach Buoy sat on a stack stone.
He drank coffee and ate a square of dark chocolate.
"See you mate."

Beach Buoy and Another Dog cut through the dunes, heading south.

Spoilt for choice.

Beach Buoy paused at Camp Distant Wave.
A large fish jumped high out the water directly ahead of him.
They began a slow walk back.

They ambled along to the van.
They had a short but enjoyable chat with the 7 a.m. club.

They went their separate ways.

Chocolate Pudding's mam joined the beach.
Its been a while.
Chocolate Pudding had died.
She was minding a neighbour's dog.
They discussed the loss of a dog and wished each other well. 
She went to see her friends, the 7 a.m.

A water's edge discussion.

The Little Tern Nest Site as seen from The Promenade.

As the kettle boiled in the van, others walked their familiar routes.
No change there.