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Friday 30 September 2022


To be honest it hadn't looked like a beach visit would be on the cards.
It had rained and rained.
Unexpectedly it brightened up.
It was 6-13 p.m. when Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached a puddled-filled car park. 
A family of three and their small dog beat them to the access ramp.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog dawdled to the water's edge.

The family of three and their dog sped along the beach like they hadn't been out for months.
It was mild.
The breeze was from the south west.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
There was some dramatic cloud.

A squirty cream cloud had parked up over The Headland.

They headed towards Stubborn Dog Stack.
The sandy slope had already lost its recently added new step.
The Slope was steeper and shorter.

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added three beach stones.
They had been spoilt for choice this evening.
He patted

"See you mate."
They headed back down to the beach. 

A couple with a Husky on a long lead headed south.
They are evening beach regulars. 

Another couple went south with two large Labradoddle-type dogs.
They didn't do a full beach.
It wasn't long and they were overtaking Beach Buoy and his mate as they headed back.
The big dog's were friendly as were the couple.
Beach Buoy petted the big dog's as they chatted briefly. 

The couple headed for the car park. 
The dogs headed for the sea.

Gulls glided over the dunes out to sea. 
Oyster Catchers flew with a little more urgency. 

 As they headed for the car park a cloud looked like a finger pointing out to sea.
By the time they had reached the van, it had become a shark...