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Friday 16 September 2022


Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-02 p.m.
Free parking had just begun.
Beach Buoy parked the van with the back facing the sea.
If he had parked facing the sea, the van would become a wind tunnel once the side door was opened.
After a faff they reached the beach at 6-13.
A man with four Dogs was leaving.
Each was a different type.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south alongside the water's edge.
The sea was wild.
The horizon was hidden by a jagged line of breaking waves.
Yesterday had seen the first snood since spring.
Today was the first wooly hat.

Gulls twisted and turned as they tried to make progress into the headwind.

The turbulent sea would pull back, as if regrouping before running on and on as it rushed in.

They continued south.

People passed by, heading north.
They had two Orange and White Border Collie type dogs.

From time to time the sea almost caught them out.

The sky had some excellent clouds.

The two headed up to the stack. 

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added a couple of beach stones.
He patted
He watched the wild sea.
The Sea Serpent Marker was swamped.
It will have been safe in the cave below.
"See you mate."

They headed down the sandy slope.

They began a slower than usual walk back.
They were heading into a very strong wind.

They headed back towards the van.
The beach was deserted.

 Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to the van.
On went the kettle.
On went the lights.