The Shipwreck and the Sea Horses.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
A couple with a Dog called Maggie came over to say hello.
The two young dogs hit it off and did the new dog friend dog dance.
Goodbyes were said and they went their separate ways.
If it wasn't so late they could have walked to the moon.
The dunes and the stack would have to be suffice.
It did.
It was odd seeing a bright moon at one end of the dunes and a still bright setting sun at the other.
Its shift had not long started but an already weary moon rested on a driftwood arm.
Beach Buoy gathered some beach stones.
He noted the fourth dead sea-bird of the walk, lying twisted on the strand-line.
"Evening Mate."
he patted
stone and placed the others.
They had a sit and think on the dune edge.
The Moon seemed to be peaking over the dune grass to see what was going on?
They began to head back.
"See you mate."
Beach Buoy waved.
They headed North as did an overhead aeroplane.
The incoming sea began to fill the galleys in the sand that it had created.
The sky began to darken to dusk
A lady had walked with her dog as far as Beach Buoy.
She turned to head north and seemed to be hovering a little.
Beach Buoy slowed down to allow the lady some space but she seemed to slow down too.
An aeroplane took aim at the Moon as the Village Church Bells rang out for 7-45
It was 7-48.
They approached the beach access ramp.
The hovering lady's dog wanted to say hello...
The dogs said hello.
The owners said hello, then goodbye.