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Friday 3 September 2021


Beach Buoy, Another Dog and Borrowed Dog reached the beach car park at 6-07 p.m.

Horses rattled their horse boxes are they were being loaded up after a beach visit.

It was overcast with a mild breeze off the sea.

They headed for the beach.

Mrs. Driftwood was telling her children to be careful, respect the sea.

They headed south. 

The trio strolled as a grey sea rolled.

More and more storm-torn seaweed stretched out along the beach.

"Evening Mate."

Beach Buoy patted 



The Trio stood standing.

They headed back to the beach.

"See you tomorrow mate."

 They continued south as the tide was allowing access to North Gare Pier.

Beach Buoy found an aluminium pole.

He carried it along. 

The beach looked empty from the world war two tank traps.

They went back to the north.

Beach Buoy placed the aluminium pole just in front of the stack as an extra marker.

"See you soon mate."

It will probably be taken at some point.

Beach Buoy beach cleaned a rubber duck.

Forever more to be know as dashboard duck.

A gulley in the sand had filled with sea water.
Around 40 gulls bobbed about like boats in a boating lake.
A Lone Oyster Catcher seemed to be the owner, ready with whistle in hand.
"Come in No. 134 your time is up."
There were only 40  "Boats."
but he had added 100 to make it sound like business was booming.