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Saturday 4 September 2021


Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-08 a.m.

A VW T25 had spent the night in the car park, it's pop-top was still raised, it's occupants presumably still lowered.

They headed for the beach.

Moisture hung in the air like a bad mood.

That air was mild, almost still.

The Wind Turbines hardly bothered to turn at all.

Out in the Bay, over to the South towards Saltburn, a jack-up rig  was jacked up.

It's lights twinkled in the gloom of the grey morning.

Lately, Another Dog had been reluctant to head South, once there, at the southern most end of the walk, she was happy to walk back to the van.

The beach bag carrying option may look like fun, but she is already twice the size she was.

Beach Buoy was finding that carrying the Dog all of the way South a bit too much.

He didn't want to aggravate his back condition.

It was clear that this morning was going to be no different.

He headed back to the van, before taking Another Dog back  to base camp.

Beach Buoy returned to the beach alone.

The distant wave lady and her entourage were still a fair distance away on the beach.

 Beach Buoy cut through the dunes.

Eventually he headed back to the beach.

Four Oyster Catchers flew North.

Around twenty Gulls headed South,

He walked the strand line as for as 

Stubborn Dog Stack.

He removed the pole that he had placed there last night.

It looked out of place, once looked at with fresh eyes.

He placed the beach stones that he had collected, onto the stack.

He patted



"Morning Mate."

He looked out to sea as the noisiest boat in the world left the river.

He sat a while on the dune edge.

He headed back to the beach.

"See you tomorrow Mate."

The 7 a.m club were already heading back, having seemingly cut their walk short?

The tide was a fair way out.

Stormy seas could sometimes mean lots of seaweed on the beach.

It usually means that Taprogge Balls turn up too.

Beach Buoy beach cleaned over twenty on the walk today.

As Beach Buoy was about to reach the car park he could see the elevating roof of the camping T25 park alongside the van.

They had been scattered from the south end of the car park by the covid test squad.

Beach Buoy moved the van to behind the Rock Shop.

He photographed the finds as the kettle came to the boil.

Spotty fruited loaf toast time.

Hot Coffee too.
Sadly, no Another Dog for company today.

A bench sat on the Promenade waiting for someone to write a story about it.

Beach Buoy watched the Promenade people pass.

The Promenade regulars, a couple who always wear almost, but not  the same matching colours as they do their promenade stroll.

A Young Mother jogging whilst pushing a pushchair.

Inside, a Baby fast asleep and  Beach Buoy means fast, she was shifting.

Next it looked like the same lady six years on, as Another Young Mother Jogged as her daughter wobbled alongside on a bicycle.

Down on the beach a big, tired man rode a big tyred bike.

Beach Buoy headed off to collect his bike.

He placed the bike on the van's rack.

It was a short test drive trip to Greatham Creek.

The bike.....

It was low tide in the Creek.

Beach Buoy chose neither of the options on offer.

He just crossed the road, before heading for the river.

He and the bike hid in a hide.

From the hide he could see a fair number of seals, sitting by the channel.

He headed back towards the van.

 He rode an abandoned road for a short while.....