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Tuesday 28 September 2021


Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-40 a.m.

A figure stood at the water's edge wearing a long coat.

It was a sunrise seeker.

The sunrise seekers would be slightly disappointed this morning.

It would have to clear low cloud first.

The 7 a.m. club were already in the process of heading back towards the village green.

The tide was quite high, the sky somewhat overcast.

The Dry Labrador lady appeared, her Dog made a bee-line for the sea.

Like some comic superhero, she donned an imaginary cape and became 

Wet Labrador Lady.

Fly me to the Moon.

Beach Buoy had moved to the dune edge for a short while for others to enjoy the water's edge in peace.

The distant wave lady waved.

Beach Buoy waved back.

Once the water edge "Rush." had finished, Beach Buoy and Another Dog returned to it.

A small ship / large boat hung around the river mouth.

Beach Buoy thought that it may be a Tug? 

 It stayed in the area for a good while, so possibly some sort of survey vessel?

Beach Buoy gathered some beach stones...

"Morning Mate."

He added stones.

He patted 



They all headed to the dune edge for coffee and sit and think. 

Making note and taking note.

They enjoyed "That" lull in beach traffic.

The south end of the beach was theirs.

Around thirty minutes passed before a figure approached.

It was Mr Gunn / Nunn  with his little dog trotting along.



"You can't buy views like this."

said the beach walker as he pointed to a golden sea.

He approached to stroke Another Dog as by now she was doing the 




dance on her back legs.

She surreptitiously reached for her clipboard and small

RNLI pencil.

"Cute." ✅

"Gorgeous." ✅

"So Fluffy." ✅

"You can go now."

The clipboard went back from where it had came.

"Enjoy your day."

"You too."

Mr Gunn / Nunn  and his dog continued their journey south to North Gare Pier and beyond.

"See you mate."

Beach Buoy and Another Dog began to head back to the north.

A couple passed with a Border Collie.



"Aren't the big waves lovely?"

Beach Buoy loves to see the Gulls surf just above the breaking waves.


A couple passed with a Border Collie.



"Aren't the big waves lovely?"

Driftwood Sundial.

The best type of Sundial.


They bumped into Dotty Dog and her owner.

The dogs did the Dotty Dog dance

after a brief chat they headed in opposite directions.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back to the van.
Radio and Hobnobs.

If he could swim,
If he could surf,
If he had a surf board,
He would have surfed today.

He can't, so he rested an old head on an arm of the same age and nodded off to sound of The Cure on Radio Two.
It's Friday I'm in Love... 
Sunday ?

Beach Buoy woke.
A man on a Bicycle stopped at a Promenade bench.
He laid out all of the sections of the Ample Sunday newspaper, that he had purchased.
He sat with his 
"Order of read."
selections at his side.
The passing ladies seemed to distract him?

8-59 a.m. came 
Beach Buoy left.