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Sunday 5 September 2021


Beach Buoy woke at 4-23 a.m.

He faffed on.

He took slightly different route to the beach  car park.

At 5-45 a.m. he driving along the sea front.

Two couples who looked like they were on the way home from a party headed in opposite directions.

As he drove to go into the car park a car was indicating to also go into the car park.

Beach Buoy flashed the van's headlamps for the other vehicle to go first.

Beach Buoy realised it was the distant wave lady and her mother.

He parked out of the way, giving them time and space to feel like the beach was theirs.

Once he noticed them down by the water's edge he went to park in his usual position.

A couple in a Mercedes checked the parking information before heading off to the beach.

Gulls crossed the sky 

East to West

West to East

North to South

South to North.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog followed the north - south flock.

It was the mildest of grey mornings.

Another Dog was carried much of the way south.

They met a scouting party from the 7 a.m. club. 

 The little dog tried to make him out to be a liar, by wanting to be down on the beach as she did a two-legged dance for the passers-by.

"Morning Mate."

Beach Buoy patted 



He placed some beach stones onto the stack.

Hugo; the Distant Wave Lady's Dog came bounding over for his now regular shoulder scratch.

Then he was gone......

Beach Buoy had hoped to enjoy a Thermal Mug of Coffee, whilst sat on the dune edge.

Another Dog had other ideas.....

"See you mate."

They headed back.

As they walked back,

Beach Buoy paused to watch the Bright Yellow Boat that leaves Hartlepool on a regular basis to attend to the Bay's Wind Turbines, do just that.

The light at the south of the Bay looked lovely as they left the beach behind... for now.

They sat in the van.




Fall of the back of the seat and pretend you meant it...

See below.

"Nothing to see here."

Beach Buoy made spotty-toasted fruit loaf.

He nodded.

He woke thanks to the clatter of Promenade Bins being emptied.

Rita the Meter Maid walked by, off to check the meters for change.

Two ladies jogged along the Promenade to the sound of Music.

They looked like twins?

One had brown hair, the other turquoise.

To stop people being confused as to who was who presumably?

Beach Buoy headed off.

He drove to the Old Zinc Works Road.

A good way to reach North Gare Beach.

Rigs rusted and rotted nearby.

Life can feel like this at times....

The Sky looked superb.
