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Saturday 25 September 2021


Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach car park

at 6-28 a.m. 

There were three different shades of orange.

An Orange pre-sunrise glow in the sky.

 Orange flashes as council trucks did the cleaning rounds.

An orange glow from a real live cigarette as a driver stepped out of  a White Range Rover.

The Range Rover was from an era when 

Range Rovers were Range Rovers before they became what they have become...

Thirteen Oyster Catchers stood together, but alone on the beach in the half light.

It looked like they were waiting for permission from air traffic control to take off?

The Sky and Sea turned pink.

A Border Collie Couple returned from the north.

They had already been and gone, they were coming back .

Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued south, as the sun cleared low cloud.

The 7 a.m club passed by.

"My, she's coming on!."

Another Dog reached for her clipboard with a checklist to tick.



"So Fluffy"...✅

Another Dog put the clipboard away.

"You can go now."

Off the 7 a.m. club went.

It was a glorious morning, not a breath of wind.

It was mild bordering on muggy.

Beach Buoy had been on holiday for a week.

There hadn't been a bad day weather-wise, not a drop of rain all week.

The sea was fairly calm, but it was one of those mornings when the sea would rush in, almost randomly, to catch out the unwary.

There is something about the colours of painted driftwood.

That Colour.

That Door.

That Beach Shack...

The shack and it occupants all weather-beaten but happy.

A man and dog were in almost hot pursuit as they headed south.

Like Stubborn Dog, Beach Buoy and Another Dog tend to feel a little intimidated when someone is following closely behind.

They headed to the dune edge, out of the way.

They hadn't reached the stack yet but Beach Buoy plonked himself on the dune edge and drank coffee from his thermal mug.

As Beach Buoy had wandered up to the dune edge,

a small brown frog hopped as it headed east, towards the beach.

Beach Buoy looked to the north.

It wasn't and hadn't been a full-blown sunrise.

Around the Village Green, houses took it in turn to have gold windows. What sunlight there was reflected off the differing angles of the various windows as the sun rose in the sky. 

He stayed a while longer, drank more coffee.

The "Hot Pursuit" man and dog passed by, heading back to the north.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog made a move.

They continued their interrupted trek south.

A young man came along, binoculars hanging from his neck.

"Morning. Lovely isn't it?"

said Beach Buoy.

"It is indeed."

 answered the young man in a very well-spoken voice.

Beach Buoy wondered how his voice had sounded to the young man?

The young man carried on south at a quicker pace than Beach Buoy and Another Dog.

He was soon well ahead.

He took out his binoculars.

He sat on the dune edge.

He stood, then headed for North Gare Pier before Beach Buoy and Another Dog had caught up.

Another man and dog passed.


"Morning Mate." 

answered the stranger...

That was Beach Buoy's line!

They were nearing

 Stubborn Dog Stack.

Beach Buoy selected and collected some suitable beach stones as they walked.

The sun slipped into cloud.

Maybe there will be a matinee performance?

"Morning Mate."

Beach Buoy placed the day's offering of stones onto the stack.

He patted 



The three of them went to sit on the dune edge.

Beach Buoy had coffee to finish after all.

Another Dog seemed to be a little happier today, being at the stack.

The little dog stood on its two back legs as it leaned on Beach Buoy's  knee.

The dog listened as Beach Buoy explained that if someone else had come for her, she might never have seen the sea!

"What, never?"


They said goodbye to Stubborn Dog, then headed back.

A lady walked by her dog.

Found anything interesting?

"Just peace and quiet."

answered Beach Buoy.

The lady wandered off.

Beach Buoy wondered if his comment had sounded a little rude?

It wasn't meant to be.

It was a narrow beach this morning.
The tide was still high.

People walked the same narrow track, like beach hobos.

The Beach widened slightly, as they reached the non-tidal part of the beach.

A friendly couple with a friendly dog walked by. 

They paused.


Another Dog reached for her clipboard..

"Cute." ✅

"Gorgeous." ✅

"So Fluffy." ✅

Another Dog put the clipboard away.

"You can go now."

They went.

As they were approaching the access ramp a lady and dog came into view.

"Are you Beach Buoy?"

The lady introduced herself as the one who had left the painted stones.

Beach Buoy thanked her, as her dog; Dotty and Another Dog made friends.

It was a very kind thing to do, putting those stones there when Beach Buoy was at such a low point.

That chatted a while.

They said goodbye.

Beach Buoy had a coffee in the van.

He stayed until 8-59 a.m.

Parking Charges start at 9.

People come early to catch the sunrise.

Some bring sunshine of their own.

Beach Buoy washed the van as he listened to Radio Cornwall.


High in the sky, Geese (Pink Feet) flew overhead in a bird formation.