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Sunday, 5 January 2025



Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog had parked up in Seaton Park 
at 2-30 p.m.

It has rained all day.
There had been a lot of sitting at the window, whimpering.
The dogs had finally had enough of Beach Buoy's racket and took him out.

They stepped on sand at 2-37.

There was a cold wind off the sea.
The wind blew peashooter raindrops at Beach Buoy's double hoods.

The dogs were wearing double coats.

The tide looked to be a canny way out.
A sighting of the wreck confirmed it.

It was cold.
Beach Buoy's finger ends were as white as the snow that lay up on the hills to the south.

They headed southwards.
They crossed rocks and shingle to reach the wreck.

The wreck today.

Cold wind.
It was exhilarating!

They began to head to Stubborn Dog Stack.

Looking north on the low level route to Stubborn Dog Stack, which is to the south.

"Afternoon Mate."
It was 3-04 p.m.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 

It was too wet to dilly and dally.
"See you mate."

They dropped down onto the beach below.

Beach Buoy and the dogs paused at the grey rocks.
A grey Ship sailed a grey sea under a grey sky as it entered the River Tees.

They headed north.
The rain eased.

Two hoods came down.

They swung over to the wreck on the way back.
The sea was claiming it as it's own once more.

The rain returned as did two hoods.

Back to the van.
Beach Buoy even managed a filter faff in the rain.

Sea fingerprints.

Time to dry.