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Tuesday, 14 January 2025



It was so much milder.

The Moon couldn't eat another thing.

It was still full from last night.

Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog had parked in Seaton Park.

It was around 8-23 a.m.

They made their way to The Esplanade.

They bumped into Scruffy and his mam.

They had a chat.

Their paths hadn't crossed for a long time.

They went their seperate ways.

Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog headed to the wreck.
There was a breeze from the south west.
It wasn't unpleasant.

They stopped to chat to Team One Black Ear.
He was hoping for a better day.

Beach Buoy wished him well before they began to go their separate ways.

The lady who walks the full length of the beach said "Morning," before they had put any distance between themselves.

The wreck today.

Wreck timbers.

They headed south.

A lady walked down at the water's edge with her dog.
Safe in their own little world.

It was so very mild.

"Morning Mate."
9-15 a.m.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted

He decided to sit on the driftwood plank with plenty of rust.
It has been a while.

He sat watching time and people pass.

"See you mate."
They returned to the beach below.
Way below.
North for a short while,then south towards Sand Martin Corner.

A sunlight shingle search.

The Sea Serpent Marker.
The tide had began to work it's way in but was still well out.

Can you see it?

Well worn base of a small bottle.

They walked as far as the shingle lay.
Just short of North Gare Pier.
They turned to head back for a second sweep.

It was the lady who loved the sea.
Her and her German Shepherd were stood up above the shingle on a raised dune edge.
"Oh, Morning. Lovely isn't it?"
"Yes lovely day."
They went their separate ways.

No finds on the return journey.

Beach Buoy and the dogs walked down towards the water's edge.

Is it Friday ?

Footprints led away from the sea.

Beach Buoy continued northwards.

The temperature was higher than the low winter Sun.

Two ladies headed south.
They both had a pair of hiking poles.
Skiers without their skis.

The beach was still vast.
A story being told, acted out. 
People the punctuation.

Beach Buoy and the dogs returned to the van in Seaton Park.
The lady who loved the beach passed by, heading home 
"Hiya again."