Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to The Esplanade from Seaton Park.
They were soon back at the front.
They went down the access ramp.
The beach tractor was busy moving sand at the ramp's side.
It was 8-28 a.m.
The lady who walks the full beach was leaving.
They headed south with a bit of an angle towards the wreck.
Seacoal lined the ripples in the sand.
Crows followed for the chance of food.
Distant waves were shared with Team one black ear.
They were heading back home to the north.
The wreck today.
A ship headed for The Tees.
Beach Buoy searched shingle and collected suitable stack stones as he walked towards the dunes.
They walked the low level route.
"Morning Mate."
9-05 a.m.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
Beach Buoy could see others heading towards the stack.
He and Another Dog continued south in the dunes to give them space.
They dropped down to the shingle that was framed by grey rocks.
There were no finds today.
They returned northwards.
The Sea Serpent Marker.
They wandered back.
No rush.
It was a lovely morning.
They passed the wreck once more.
They headed back towards the ramp.
A lady ran after her dog as she tried to film or photograph it running.