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Tuesday, 28 January 2025



When Beach Buoy would arrive at work, his mate Geoff would arrive at the same time.
Most probably 98 times out of 100.
It was a five minute walk to the clock and locker room.
Often, Geoff would say " l really don't want to be here."

Beach Buoy had two replies.

"There will be someone somewhere, laying in hospital, waiting for something horrible to happen. They would long for an ordinary day, just walking to work."


"Let's turn back, go to Whitby in the van, my treat."
If only...

When Geoff took ill, Beach Buoy rang him every Friday.
Geoff was always to and from Hospitals, at times in.
He said on one phone call, "You know what you used to say about being ill, just wanting an ordinary day?  You were right. That's all l want, an ordinary day...