Night time will hide the darkness of the storm.
It was 4-05 p.m.
Minutes earlier, the stormy clouds were topped with pink as the Sun lowered.
It was just a quick dash to the beach to view the clouds.
Just Beach Buoy and Another Dog.
Long narrow clouds to the south.
It had been a good cloud day.
It must have been heavy rain or snow out at sea?
Another Beach Code sign
HL 21
Seaton Carew North.
That's all it reads
It is in front The Beacon.
Sally the top of the Beacon has been cut off.
It is just a post now.
It's an old tale, that when the threat of The Spanish Armada had gone, the message went around the country.
"No more firing of the Beacon."
The story goes the people of Hartlepool gave up their frying pans.
As someone had thought it said.
" No more frying of the Bacon."
Spots of rain began to fall.
They headed back to the van in Seaton Park.
It rained quite heavily.
It much have been torrential out at sea?