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Friday, 3 January 2025


Beach Buoy sat drinking coffee.

He scraped the ice from the van's windscreen.

He and Another Dog went to collect Borrowed Dog.

 Beach Buoy, Borrowed Dog and Another Dog had parked up in Seaton Park.

It was 9-16 a.m.

A Boxer Dog with a black eye walked by with it's owner.

Beach Buoy thought it was amusing.

"You should have seen the other fella." 

Beach Buoy imagined the dog saying.

They headed to the beach.

 A lady with a backpack headed north.

The regular sea swimmer headed back home dressed in shorts and gloves.

A Doddle Dog came to say hello.

It was bright when they arrived but...

There was only one sizeable black cloud in the sky.
It parked up in front of the Sun.

The wreck was just about to come ashore.
The waves were breaking six steps out.
From the water's edge,the horizon was hidden.

Although at times the wreck is completely buried by sand, Beach Buoy wondered how many tides had washed over it?

The Sun came back out to play.
It's reflection on the wet sand felt a little like 
"Buy one, get one free."

Beach Buoy and the dogs continued south but also began heading towards the dune edge.
There was a very slight breeze from the west.
Although the van had been frozen , it didn't feel such a cold morning.

The dune edge was frosted.
A tall elderly man was stood up ahead.
The gentleman seemed keen to talk.
So began a history lesson.
He was ninety years old.
He was just about to go for his regular swim.
Here are the bullet points that Beach Buoy managed to absorb as the gentleman told a story or two.
Beach Buoy was all ears, he still hasn't grown into them.

  • There was a swimming club called The Porpoise Swimmers.
  • They would dive off Hartlepool Pilot Pier.
  • "Proper dive." Was the term used."
  • His family owned land on Crimdon Bank.
  • They had successful business with deck chair hire and the like.
  • Easington Council compulsory purchased it.
  • The family fought it all the way to the high court but lost out.
  • When the carnival was on, swimmers would be taken a mile out to sea to swim back!
  • The boats would follow them back incase anyone needed help.
  • This one day the sea was choppy.
  • The gentleman and his friend were waiting for the right boat to ask if they needed help.
  • It came, The Grillet. The 36 foot launch that Hitler was going to sail up The Thames in to his new home at Windsor Castle had the war ended differently. They clambered aboard. The Gentleman said that it was better having a brandy on Hitler's boat then being out on the choppy sea.
Beach Buoy  remembers seeing The Grillet as a child each time it and it's history was pointed out to him.
For reference Hitler's main Yacht The Aviso Grille was also brought to Hartlepool after the war.
Anymore information 
"Hilter's yacht Hartlepool." would be a good internet search.

Another man arrived the conversation.
A dog walker.
"Morning"x 3
"Only four dogs today."
They all looked friendly but one was massive.
"He's an American Bulldog / British Bulldog cross. He weighs Ten stones. Never know such a calm dog. He protects the litter dogs when required. He just has to walk up to any troublesome dogs and they head off."

They went there seperate ways leaving the gentleman space to strip off and take a canny walk to the sea.
It had been a wonderful chat.

The ninety year old man heads off for his sea swim.

"Morning Mate."
It was 10-12.
Some plank had thrown the two driftwood planks away.
Beach Buoy found one of them on the beach below.
He returned it to the stack.
He added some stones.
He patted 
He sat on the driftwood plank with plenty of rust.
He wrote ninety year old memories in his beach book.

On the beach below, the 90 years old man was heading back to his clothes.

They slipped back down to the beach.
"See you mate."
They headed north.
Up ahead the elderly swimmer was just finished dressing at his make shift dune edge wardrobe.
He headed to the dunes.
Beach Buoy hoped he was O.K.
It was a canny walk to any vehicle if he had one.
Even further to the first possible house.

Beach Buoy was so pleased to see the man at the top of the big slope instigating distant waves.
It had capped off a special encounter.
Beach Buoy headed back, smiling.

Crow on a tyre.

The tide was still on its way out.
Beach Buoy could see that the wreck was more exposed now.
He headed for it crossing long strips of shingle.

A Mother, child and a Pug walked the water's edge.
A family of four walked the strand-line with their dog.
Dad kicked the ball for the dog to fetch.
His shoe came off, travelling further than the ball.
The dog fetched the ball as the man tiptoed to his footwear.

The wreck.
Looking south east.

Beach Buoy and the dogs headed back to the van.

A small black dog called Rocko came to say hello.
All was good.


Thursday, 2 January 2025


Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked to the beach.
It was very cold.
The van's windscreen was frozen.
He couldn't be bothered to scrape it.
So on foot and paw it was.

The Beachcombing Border Collie Couple were heading home.

On The Esplanade, a lady stood to take a photograph.
 It was one of the many Starlings that had gathered on the site of the old putting green.

They all took flight.

A fair number landed on top of the Bus Station Clock Tower.
They looked a little like a badly fitting wig, after all, each side of the clock tower has a face too.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at  8-24 a.m.

There was a pink sky to the north.
A Crack of gold edged a low lying cloud to the south.

Team one black ear were heading back home.
They stopped to chat before heading off on their separate ways.

Gulls bobbed about like hook-a-ducks at a funfair, as waves broke then receded.
They looked as though they were actually enjoying it.
The first hint of the wreck came and went, just fingertips as the sea ran then pulled back over fair distances thanks to the sea's temper.

The lady who walks the full length of the beach headed back northwards.

The sea was so angry that the height of the waves hid the horizon.

The Sun rose above the low cloud that had topped the hills.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued south towards Stubborn Dog Stack.
 A lady with a very tall hood headed from Sun to Village.

The sea was wild, the day calm.

They walked the low level route to the stack.
The surface of the soft sand had a touch of a frozen surface, slightly harder than the softer sand below.

"Morning Mate."
It was 8-54.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He sat on the frozen double driftwood planks.
From the height of the stack, Beach Buoy could see the horizon.

A man walked the beach below with a small dog a coffee and a cigarette.

A tiny ball of a Wren with a tick for a tail hopped from dune bush to dune bush.
It made Beach Buoy's day.
He had stood up to watch the Wren's progress.
He could see someone walking the "easy" route to wards the stack.

Time to go.
"See you mate."

They slid down to the beach below.
They returned to the north.

The coffee, cigarette and small dog man was already ahead on their return journey.

The Sun was bright.
Beach Buoy's and Another Dog's sunshine shadows stretched ahead. So much so that if the arcades were open, they would most probably be on the slot machines as they waited for Beach Buoy and Another Dog to arrive.

A man with a long stick and a normal sized Labrador headed south.

Up ahead, Beach Buoy could see that someone was stood looking at the freshly exposed wreck.
It was clear that the tide was going out.
Of course Beach Buoy had to and check the wreck.

The wreck today.


Wednesday, 1 January 2025


Beach Buoy and Another Dog parked up in Seaton Park Car Park at 8-29 a.m.

A cold wind was blowing from the west.

Beach Buoy put double coats on Another Dog.

He pulled up two hoods as they set off for the beach.

There had been lots of rain overnight.

The Esplanade and the beach both looked to be quite busy for a chilly winter's morning.

The beach access ramp at the beach huts was half wind-blown sand, half rainwater.

A couple were leaving the beach with their small child.

The child was wearing Wellington Boots.

He was making a bee-line for the large puddle.

The parents were voicing concern that the depth of the water may be greater than the height of the footwear.

Three by the sea.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the sea, then south.
Team one black ear approached, he still has a borrowed dog 
The men shook hands.
"Happy New Year."
"All the best."
They chatted before going their own way.

A man headed back to The Esplanade in shorts and gloves.
Sea swim completed.

A man with a large-lensed camera walked to the sea, then south also, in search of a subject.

Predictably and understandably, he stopped at the wreck.
Three lady sea swimmers took to the sea nearby.
He photographed them too.

He showed them the photographs.
They posed for another, giggling.

The lady who walks the full beach was heading back to the north.

The lady with two Labradors, one white, one black walked at the base of the dunes.
"Rosie!" she called one of her dogs.

People at the water's edge were headed back to the north.
One man with a Black Labrador.
A couple with a Black Labrador.

The wreck today.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to Stubborn Dog Stack via the lower level.
Two Poodles in onesies passed by.

"Morning Mate, Happy New Year."
It was 9-10.
Beach Buoy added five stones.
He patted 
He sat on the damp double driftwood bench.
He watched the sea.

Two of the three dogs that once were four play catch up on the beach below.

"See you mate."
Beach Buoy and Another Dog slipped back to the beach.
They headed north.

Horserider up on the dune heights.

It came down onto the beach and galloped off beyond the wreck.

The tide was way out.
The wreck was still on show.

A young child ran excitedly to the sea.

An old man walked purposely back to the van.



 Happy New Year to you.

Happy New Year to all of our readers.