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Sunday 22 August 2021


Tick Tock,

Tick Tock,

Tick Tock.

Beach Buoy waited too long to buy a VW van.

He did it though.

Never write people off. 

Never write yourself off.

He had always wanted a van.

He had always wanted a bike rack for the back.

He has one now.

They can cost a fortune new.

The van is 18.

 A new one would look out of place.

Beach Buoy found one on EBay.

His bid of £82 won.

The condition was described as fair.

He went to collect it from Darlington.

The clips needed a paint.

The rack cleaned up nicely with wire wool.

A couple of bolts to sort and it will be ready to go.

It is a four bike rack.

A little large for Beach Buoy's needs but there is luggage that can be added for more space.......

He removed the rack after a trial fit.

He headed for the beach... as you do.

Beach Buoy parked up at the beach car park at 6-20 p.m.

He watched promenade people as Another Dog spelt sleep


Eventually they made a move.

The German Shepard Owners Club had just hit the beach too.

A P.P.G. hovered above the village.

(Powered Para Glider.)

Like when you hear a Helicopter pass overhead, you just have to look up.

The tide was more in than it was out.

The sun had broke through around the time that they had reached the water's edge.

The P.P.G. Pilot travelled the water's edge too.

The German Shepard Owners Club were up ahead.

The Pilot headed back to the north..

"Is that Beach Buoy and Another Dog?"

Farewell to Seaton Carew.

Beach Buoy found a small luminous glass bead.

Beach Buoy collected four beach stones.
They climbed the easy route.
"Evening Mate."
he patted 
They stayed a while and had a think.
"See you later matey."

They headed back.
A man took bookface photographs at the water's edge.
His Dog looked like a White Wolf.
A White Wolf on a lead, thankfully.

A Small Scruffy Dog came running over to say hello.
It stood up on it's two back legs, leaning against Beach Buoy for support as it was given a belly rub.
The Dog's owners asked what breed Another Dog was.

They headed back to the van.