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Saturday 14 August 2021



It may have been Noel Coward who once said.

"Where's me keys?"

Beach Buoy located the van keys.....

Beach Buoy and Another Dog finally reached the car park

 by 5-36 a.m.

It was a few minutes to sunrise.

There was one car in the car park.



wasn't even a flash in the pan.

A Dark Orange slice just slipped from Horizon to Cloud, 

appearing all too briefly.

Presumably it was the car owners on the beach

 with phones in hand.

Luckily they stayed as the sun cleared that low,

                                  horizon-hugging cloud. 

Sorrow the Magpie walked a driftwood bridge that spanned

 two clumps of random dune.

Sea-loving Gulls hoisted sails and set off for the sun.

One could be heard looking up at in flight Gulls, saying

"You'll never get me up in one of those things."

Beach Buoy and Another Dog set sail for the stack; beach stones

 for the stack their ballast.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy placed the beach ballast.
He patted
stuck a finger into the sand.

They sat at the dune edge.
Sitting and thinking as they watched a seal travel north across the bay.
Another Dog had a sandy nose.

"See you later mate."
They headed back.

They met the 7 a.m. club.
They chatted.
Mari the Poodle had a neck scratch.
Another Dog danced on two back legs.

The 7 a.m. club headed back by the water's edge.


Beach Buoy and Another Dog chose another route.

As their walk ended, other began.

They went back to the van.

The man who walks the car park, walked the car park.

Rita checked the parking meters.

A woman put the world to rights as she chatted loudly near 

the promenade wall.

Beach Buoy climbed into the front seat to read and finish

 his coffee.

His attention was drawn to a Gannet bombardment just offshore.

The Village Church Bells rang for eight.

The sun warmed his face, he slept only to be woken later by

 the 8-30 a.m

Village Church Bells.