It had been a hot day. Beach Buoy had put off going down to the beach until a little later than he would have done. He had hoped it would be cooler and less busy..... It was still a very warm night and the beach and promenade were still busy at 7-45pm. As they had arrived at a busy car park, two horses and their one man buggies weaved their way through the parked car and walking beach-goers. The twitcher types had company again on the promenade wall. Beach Buoy headed down the access ramp. He passed a conveyor belt of mams, sat on the low sloping wall, watching as their children did a group activity on the beach. Another organised activity was being carried out near the dunes. Beach Buoy wasn't sure just what the activity was, but some of the group had been down to the sea to fill orange buckets with sea water. Towards the North a group of kick boxers practised their moves. THUD THUD THUD travelled the beach as they made contact with the training pads. |