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Monday 15 July 2019


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived in the Car Park at 7-19 pm
The regular Little Tern Twitchers were there on the Promenade...they had guests tonight.
A boy wobbled past on a bike towards the beach access ramp with his friend perched on the handlebars; people made way.
More bikes followed although only one other was fitted with extra child on handlebars.
The boys left their bikes in a heap on the access ramp along with their shoes and ouched as they picked their way across the many pebbles on the long trek to the water's edge.

A young, very wet and very black Labrador came over to say hello.
It was friendly.

Certain parts of the beach surface were filled with water, all looking for the low point and a way back out to sea.

A large grey ship slipped out of The River Tees almost unnoticed; almost... it headed North then did a U turn and headed South, perhaps they were wishing that the manoeuvre had gone unnoticed too?

People came and went; most carrying shoes.
All were just silhouettes in the bright lowering light.

At times the beach looked like another planet.

An Oyster Catcher walked on the water's edge.
It seemed to kiss its own reflection as it pecked at the wet shinning sand. 

It was a relaxing walk back to the van that was parked up at the South end of the village.