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Saturday 13 July 2019


6-20 am.
It was a mild but misty morning.
The mist drifted from the north, across the bay.
Beach Buoy grabbed a waterproof coat from a box he had stashed under the van's bed / rear seat.
He found a coat for Stubborn Dog.
It looked like a Parka, Stubborn Dog walked off as though he had just  parked his Lambretta.

A man stood with his dog and took photographs of a grey Sea and Sky. A man with a dog, stood and took notes.
Towards the South, the mist made the distant steel works fade from view as if fading into history......

Then the **** with a large dog on the loose!

An Orange ship seemed to drift silently into Port.

Two Cormorants flew low over the Pier and skimmed the sea as they headed North across the bay.
Many of the Wind Turbines were lost form view thanks to the mist.

Beach Buoy walked to the water's edge.

He stood, eyes closed hands in pockets.
He could feel every misty droplet on his face; it was the best shower ever. He tilted his head side to side and back and forth to obtain the full effect.
It was one of those moments, too rare, too brief, but perfect. 

Part of Beach Buoy's #2minutebeachclean.
From Scotland...
Ingredients ; GIRDERS. 😮

Beach Buoy headed back as the 7 am club appeared for the mist.
Mari the Poodle ran over for a hug and scratch and later returned for seconds.

The grey sea rippled white at its edge as if to say "Hi, I'm over here!"... The sea was as grey as the sky.

Beach Buoy sighed... it has been about a week since he has heard the Skylarks; the dunes had fallen silent.
Still lots of light nights left but if they have gone it feels like