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Saturday 20 July 2019


It was a day off.
On work days, Beach Buoy's alarm now goes off at 5-20 am.
Beach Buoy woke at ... 5-20 am.
After a faff on it was beach time at 6 am.
The sunshine shone
through the parked up van and sparkled on the sea.
The red flags that marked out the protected nesting area, flapped in the breeze.

They reached the water's edge within minutes of high tide.
It was warm.
Beach Buoy's phone stated...
To the west a partial rainbow curved from south to north, maybe confirming the phones prediction ?
Were they to have best part of the day once more?

The high but receding tide left little distance between the strand line and the water's edge once more.

The beach was quiet.
There was another dog walker in the distance.
His dog had a massive wagging tail  like a Dodgem Car conductor.
He seemed to be enjoying life?

Wagging Dog and his human headed for the dunes.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog sat down on the dune edge  for  sit and think.
Stubborn Dog was out like a light, sleeping on the soft sand.

Beach Buoy took out his beach book and made some notes for his blog.
He was using a black pen on the bright white paper.
A small beetle landed on the page and moved around it like a mobile full stop.
As he made notes the Sand Martins swooped all around in three and fours, some just skimming above Beach Buoy and his dozing pal.
It was magnificent.
Beach Buoy felt honoured.
Little Terns joined the special scene, some diving in what must have been only a foot or so of water.
Beach Buoy needed to turn a page in his book.
He gently blew the beetle from the page; freeing it from its sentence...
The rumble of early morning industry drifted across the dunes and out to sea.
It was no substitute for the long-gone Skylarks.
Beach Buoy closed his eyes and soaked up the sun.
It most probably wouldn't last so best to make the most of it?
It was time to head back.
Stubborn Dog wasn't keen on the idea.
He was going to make Beach Buoy pay now....
A drag it was.

A lone rubber glove waved and asked to be part of today's beach clean.
Beach Buoy obliged, into the bag it went to join the balloon and its ribbon, the tangle of fishing line, the plastic bottle and the energy drink can.
They reached the promenade and Beach Buoy binned the beach clean items whist Stubborn Dog laid on the wall.
The dog's flapping ears were giving a strong hint that the breeze was becoming a wind.


They went to the van for an early brew....

For some it was another chance to find sleep.

The rain did come.
Beach Buoy wasn't sure if the phone's 101 minute timing was correct.
When the rain did appear, it came in the glare of sunshine  publicity and with its own drumroll as it bounced onto the van roof.