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Monday 29 April 2019


Beach Buoy and side-kick Stubborn Dog arrived in the car park at 6-40pm.
It was a typical lighter night scene as he readied himself for the beach with the side-door on the van open.
Young girls heading for the dunes, effing and blinding as they went by.
A boy racer, taking tread off his tyres, spinning around the car park.
A Vauxhall Corsa with engine running and music playing  loud enough for an entire fairground.

Beach Buoy and his mate headed for the tranquility of the water's edge.
There was well trodden dry sand like the world's busiest desert, beyond that, large stretches of flat sand; some still wet and shinning in the splendid evening sunlight.
With the light came the heat, the sun was still on two bars and throwing out some warmth. The refreshing breeze from the sea only complimented  the sun and made the beach a restful place to be.
(Once clear of the car park.)

They headed south with their shadows leading the way.
There wasn't many people around to people watch and comment on for the blog so Beach Buoy's eyes were drawn to the amazing selection of patterns created by the 
movement of sea and sand.
Pools, ripples in the sand and on the water.

Much of the flat sand was still wet with sea water and shone like a beach-length mirror.
Skylarks sang.
 Beach Buoy will miss them so much when they have to leave, but that will be ages yet.
Seagulls cried.
A Crow crowed a number of times and it sounded like a buzzer you would hear in a quiz show when an incorrect answer had been given.

The breeze ripples the pool; the sea had rippled the sand.

Sea water...
Yippie!... a Jogger appeared.
He was dressed in orange and black.
He passed Beach Buoy and carried on a couple of hundred metres.
He turned and changed his running technique 
completely to that of someone who had taken his trainers off and was jogging on hot coals, his knees were almost touching his chin... and off he went.

Meanwhile back in the beach pattern department..

Out in the Bay the wind turbines turned in Unison 
(Other Unions are 
They seemed to be turning in time with the sails of  Windy Miller's windmill in Camberwick Green. His sails went round with an usual sound effect; no unlike that Morecambe and wise sketch Boom ooo yatatata
see links below.

Morecambe and wise 

windy miller

The turbines would be an eye opener for him.
He would have to branch out into the Offshore Sector, rushing from turbine to turbine in a brightly coloured boat. 

The beach was beautiful.
Beach Buoy stopped and soaked it up..... good for the soul.

He headed North into the bright and dazzling sunlight with one eye shut and the other squinting.
A Perfect Pirate face for saying.... (In a Pirate voice of course.)
" I'm looking for me treasure!'
"I've got me a map!"