Beach Buoy woke up. He turned in bed to look at the window blind to try and judge what time it was by how much light was on show. He guessed 4-20am. He turned back and reached for this mobile phone that was on the unit beside the bed. 5-15am. He is usually good at guessing the time. No matter what the time, he knew that he wouldn't be getting back to sleep. Kettle on.... Beach Buoy was chilly so, on went the fire for a change. Stubborn Dog curled up from nose to tail like a cat would do. Beach Buoy made a hot drink and sat on the floor next to his little mate. Beach Buoy sipped the drink and watched Stubborn Dog's body rise and fall as he slept, whilst breathing deeply. Beach Buoy wondered how old Stubborn Dog was in dog years? Older than Beach Buoy? Not Quite.
For now,,, Stubborn Dog seemed to sense the thoughts, he woke and looked Beach Buoy in the eye as if to say.. "Our days are numbered mate! Let's go to the beach."
... they did so. They arrived in an empty car park at 6-12 am. A Silver Estate Car followed closely behind. The Sun was partially hidden by a grey cloak of cloud but it soon broke free. |