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Thursday 25 April 2019


Another off to work photograph....

Beach Buoy and his stubborn side-kick Stubborn Dog arrived in an almost empty car park at 5-32pm.
They headed down to the sands to the water's edge.
In front of them was mirror image of themselves... well sort of.. there was a lady in a red coat aka Stubborn Owner being dragged along the beach by a white Husky type Dog.

Beach Buoy noticed orange items out at the water's edge; they were Oranges.

Back towards the car park, a cloud had the cheek to hide the sun.
As soon as the sun was hidden, the temperature dropped and the wind speed seemed to pick up.
It was more gloomy to the south but for some reason the South Gare Pier shone with it's own private sun.
A couple walked to the water's edge, both had a dog on a lead.
The couple tried to tempt the dogs into the sea whilst still holding their leads.
The dogs seemed to do that "Any Volunteers ?" trick and  stepped back. 
Wet feet and laughter was the result plus dry paws and waggy tails.

The sun came back out but the wind off the sea came in search of heat from any bare skin available.

A piece of dark flat seaweed laid on the sand, a bubble of sea water was midway along the strip... it looked like a Mermaid's watch.
Around 15 or so Oyster Catchers were up ahead.
Beach Buoy gave them a wide berth... the little plump birds were 
reluctant  flyers and they ran off like clockwork toys , all drawn to a magnetic pull of distrust. Eventually they flew and whistled like bricklayers on a building site as they did so.

Down by the grey rocks the sea had claimed the last of the sand passage and was ready to claim the rocks for it's portfolio .
Beach Buoy turned to head back north.
The hood went up for the journey back, it was a trail wind now, the hood side flapped like a head sized tent.

The sun shone more brightly and the sea became a more regal shade of royal blue..