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Friday 19 April 2019


It was 18 43....
Two dogs for company tonight for Beach Buoy.
The tide was low. There was a fresh but gentle breeze.
Two horses with an entourage walked by the water's edge.

There was a hazy light.
Palest colours.

The sky blue and the sea blue blended  gradually from one to the other with a hint of haze.
Out at sea the horizon looked higher; impossible, but it looked the way due to the complimenting light and colours  of the evening. 

Distant figures enjoy the beach.
The sea wasn't rough as such but the waves were breaking about 6 or 7 waves out.

Lots of rippled sand lately.
The light was strange, more of an early morning light than a late evening..... but it was smashing no matter what the time of day.
A Jaffa coloured jogger jogged by....

Another Beach Balloon.
Many happy returns!

Beach Buoy stayed down the grey rocks a while.
The rocks pools looked amazing and the pause gave the German Shepard Owners Club ( The dots in the 
distance.) a chance to clear off. Thankfully they had cut their beach walk short and headed back before getting to Beach Buoy  and the dogs.
The sea was working its way in to reclaim the beach.
The sun slid down onto a comfy cloud above the horizon to rest its head before its night flight to Sydney....
Seagulls cried as if the sun was a life long friend; leaving for good.BEACH BUOY.