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Sunday 28 April 2019


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived on the slightly gloomy beach at 6-35am.
A council truck buzzed around the car park making it spick and span for the day ahead.
Out in the bay, it looked like the wind turbines were supporting the weight of the low, dark grey clouds.
There was a cold wind from the North East.
Beach Buoy looked south and off in the distance was short short man.
Like a Geordie lass on a November night out by the Tyne...
shorts no mater how fresh it was ..... meanwhile bothBeach Buoy and Stubborn Dog were wearing double coats!

High in the sky an artist tried to blend the colours of grey and cream for a seascape that he was painting.

Beach Buoy found a clay pipe in amongst some shingle.
He laid it on the flatter sand to take a photograph.
The pound coin is a guide the pipe's dimensions.

A Ship slips into the River Tess.
The light of the sun comes and goes like the most reluctant lighthouse in the world.

Down near the North Gare Pier. Beach Buoy found
a sea alley.....

Once again the sun tries to show....

Beach Buoy headed back.
The 7 am club lead the way.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog paused on the Promenade for a while and relaxed.