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Monday 22 April 2019


It was 6-20 am when Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog pulled up in the beach car park.
Seagull-pecked polystyrene fast food containers littered the tarmac, with a side order of drink cans ; it had been a busy Bank Holiday.
By the time Beach Buoy had reached the access ramp to the beach, the Cavalry had arrived in the shape of the first of the council cleaning squad.
Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog reached the water's edge at 6-30am.
The tide was high; it had peaked 23 minutes 

They headed south.
The short short man was up ahead with his dog as was a Lady Jogger who had recently overtaken Beach Buoy.
The sea was calm.
Hardly a breath of wind.
Short short man did half of the beach and turned back to head north.
Beach Buoy paused and looked out to sea.
The view ranged from Blue to Gold and 
then back to Blue.
The sky mirrored the sea and vice-versa.

Beach Buoy continued south walking the filling of a
Sea, sand and Skylark sandwich.

Driftwood stuck in a tyre make a marker.

A sea-smoothed footprint.

Beach Buoy found a bum shaped rock to sit on.
Near the dunes and opposite the sea 
He sat and thought.
As happened yesterday a lone Canada Goose flew just overhead directly above Beach Buoy and headed out towards the Gare Piers. Today his call sounded somewhat forlorn ; perhaps his mate had died?
Beach Buoy rubbed his face with both hands as if he was washing his face in sunlight.
Half an hour or so later the 7 am club were nearby.
Beach Buoy stood up as the bum rock was becoming a spike, he was spotted by his big Poodle mate.The large dog trotted over .
He gave his mate a rub and scratch and off she went to explore.
Beach Buoy headed up to the dunes to let the 7 am club have the narrow beach to themselves.
The higher elevation exposed a stronger but refreshing breeze.
Beach Buoy stood facing the breeze with his eyes closed and let the breeze wash over him.
A nudge on a hand signalled the return of his Poodle mate, coming to say goodbye.
A farewell rub and scratch and she was off ....

Beach Buoy headed back collecting rubbish as he walked.
Too soon, he placed the #2minutebeachclean items in the bin.
Plastic bottles x 3
Drink cans x 8  
Plastic toy building blocks.