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Sunday 7 April 2019


Beach Buoy woke at 4-45am.
He made a coffee and revised yesterday's blogpost.
He had blogged it when very tired; there were errors and non-correct auto-corrects to 
He made another coffee and took it to the beach, intending to sit a while before venturing out into the open.
It was 6-30am.
The day was dull and damp.
From the van, he looked out at the open sea.
The horizon was barely visible.
The sky was was a light slate type of grey whereas the sea was more of deep pewter grey. 
Basically about as much difference as there was between the Mizzle and Drizzle that hung in the air.
6-40 am; a council 
sweeper truck rumbles into the car park.
The van was misting up a little on the inside and the windscreen damp on the outside. Now the sky and sea became the same shade of grey.
Beach Buoy's phone buzzed.
 read the message from his son-in-law.
Messages were exchanged and in less than ten minutes Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog had company for their walk.

They headed to the water's edge.ahead of a depleted looking 7am club.

By the time they had reached the grey rocks, the 7 am club had caught them up.
Dog treats had exchanged hands.
Beach Buoy and company slowly headed back, leaving the skylark to sing to an audience of none.

The sea foamed and frothed.

People Strolling and North Sea rolling.
some late arrivals had met up with the 7 am club and lead the way back.....
Beach Buoy sat in the van and nodded off for a short time....