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Monday 16 September 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-25 p.m.

The lady with the white husky-cross, walked the water's edge.

Other people and their dogs were dotted around.

Here, There and Everywhere.

Beach Buoy was once told that it was Paul McCartney's favourite Beatles song.

A photographer set up a tripod to the north.
He took aim at the sea.

It was a sky blue sky, with swirls of white cloud in places.

The evening sun was gorgeous.

The light nights seemed to be slipping through the fingers at an alarming rate.
Nothing lasts forever?
Time will tell.

"Evening Mate." 
It was 7-03.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.
He sipped fizzy water, wishing that he had brought a coffee.

The low sun brought out the whiteness of The Wind Turbines.

He sat.
Thinking about stuff.
The past.
The future.
The present.

A man passed by the stack with a Border Collie.
"Evening, nice spot you have there "

Beach Buoy stood and stretched.

"See you mate."

He began to head north along the "easy" route.

He glanced back.

There seemed to be an odd circular cloud just off Saltburn ?

It was the Moon.

A Large Pale Moon.

As Beach Buoy and Another Dog continued along the "easy" route, he kept checking back.
It was lovely to see.

They returned to the beach.
Two Oyster Catchers were fighting.
An unusual sight.

On the dune edge, the Border Collie man sat hugging his dog. His arms draped around the pet like a long scarf.

Shoreline birds scampered by the sea.

The Moon rose as the Sun set.

They returned to the van.

A few men with dogs seemed to be returning at the same time?

It  was though an imaginary Mother had shouted them all.

"It's time to come in."

They all left the beach behind as told.