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Monday 2 September 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-53 a m.
It was mild and foggy.
A couple with a Border Collie headed north along The Esplanade.

The sea could be heard but not seen.

A man and dog stood in the fog on the dune edge.
The faint image of the lady that walks the full length of the beach passed by like a Victorian ghost.

The Big Slope came into view.
They climbed it.
The dipped down into the dunes.
The fog-dampened dune vegetation made it smell more like countryside than seaside.
It was warmer too on what was a mild morning anyway.

"Morning Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
He sat on a damp driftwood wedge about a metre long.

He listened to the muffled sounds of the bay.

He could see the sea now.

Two of the three dogs that once were four passed by on the beach below.

Number followed shortly afterwards.
It has a bit of a limp.
It always follows last in line.

The Muzzled Dog passed next.
It's owners gave a distant wave as they and their other dog continued southwards.

"See you Mate."
Beach Buoy and the dropped down onto the beach.
They crossed the grey rocks, directly in front of Stubborn Dog Stack.
They hadn't done that in a long while.

Tracks of the beach tractor, led the way back.

Mr.Gunn /Lunn  and excellent dog Alfie were heading south.
They stopped for a good ten minute chat.

They went their separate ways.