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Tuesday 10 September 2024



Around 5-45 a.m. waiting for a lift to work.

Van in Darlington having timing done... CORRECTLY!

Shadow makes it look like something o'clock.

Just working a two day week from now on.

A workmate in a much newer VW Camper picked him up.

A day and work and £795 later, Beach Buoy headed to the beach...

 Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-55 p.m.

The van was now that fast that they had to obtain clearance from air traffic control before setting off.

It was Sunny.
The sky was mostly clear for what seemed to be the first time for ages.

Up on the access ramp a regular evening  beachgoer was heading down the beach access ramp.
They chatted briefly about the approach of dark early nights.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.

The tide was a fair way in.

There was a lighthouse cloud over on Hartlepool Headland.

Beach Fisherman were down by the grey rocks. 

The lady with with the white alsatian was heading back.

"Evening Mate."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted

He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

The fishermen on the beach below.

"See you mate."

They returned to the beach.


A slow walk back to Seaton Carew.