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Monday 30 September 2024


 Sunday evening.

Second visit of the day.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the car park at 6-09.

They headed to the beach.

It was sunny.

There was a breeze from the south.

The tide was about 50/50.

Their sunshine shadows headed south, they followed.
A couple sat beside a small camp fire near to the dune edge.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the big slope.
Nearby, a man scanned the strand-line with a metal detector.
His wife/ Partner walked alongside.
Her body language seemed to suggest that she wished that she was elsewhere.

Upon reaching the top, Beach Buoy could see Billy Buoy at Stubborn Dog Stack. 
This pleased him more than maybe it should have done. 

They walked the "easy" route to 
The Stack. 

"Evening Mate, Evening Billy Buoy."
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 
He sat on the well-worn plank with plenty of rust.
It was 6-31 p.m.

A ship sailed to sea.

Beach Buoy stood to go.

Down on the beach below, the lady with the White Husky cross, walked near the water's edge.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed back along the "easy" route.
At times the route hugs the dune edge.
At one of these points, Beach Buoy raised an arm. A distant wave to the Lady with the Husky cross.
It was returned.
Both milking the last of the lighter nights.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed north.
The light was already beginning to  fade a little.

Gulls crossed the dunes, then out to sea.

As Beach Buoy and Another Dog turned to face the beach access ramp, The Seaton Carew Wreck was coming ashore.