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Monday 9 September 2024



Beach Buoy and Another Dog reached the beach at 6-43 a.m.

There was a strong breeze from the north.

It was still fairly mild.

The lady who once fell off her bike and her friend were heading back north along The Esplanade.




Beach Buoy went down the beach access ramp, onto the beach.

Team one black ear were walking to the south end of the beach.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed south.
The 7a.m. club were walking the water's edge.

They passed .
Some waved some came over for a brief chat.

They went their separate ways.
The tide rolled in.

Team one black ear caught up.
They had a catch up but didn't mention Ketchup.

At the top of the big slope, Beach Buoy paused.
Team one black ear returned to the village.

Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked the "easy" route.
He looked up.
It was first rays of sunlight for what seemed like days.

"Morning Mate."
It was 7-08.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted 

The breeze became a wind.

He sat on the driftwood wedge about a metre long.

He watched the sea.

"It's what Tiggers do best."

Ruby stood guard.
It's what Another Dogs do best

"See you mate."

They walked the "easy" route.

Back to the beach.
The sea was still making land or ankle-grabbing rushes onto the shore.

Gulls hung in the wind from the north.

Team Muzzled Dog passed by.
Greetings were exchanged.
They went their separate ways.

The lady who walks the length of the beach, headed north. 
She seemed a later than usual ?

Beach Buoy laughed out loud at the sight of around Twenty Pebbles with Legs as they scampered around the water's edge.
They look like a tiny flock of sheep being rounded up.

A slow walk bacK.

Up on the access ramp, he stopped to chat to Mr.Gunn/Lunn 

He was off to Whitby for a couple of days.