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Saturday 13 August 2022


It was around 5-40 a.m.
The Sun was claimed by the fog moments later.

Not long afterwards, the car park moon would be claimed too.

It was a short walk to the high tide.
A young couple, sunrise seekers, sat on a blanket on the dune edge.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog walked a strand-line strewn with camouflage coloured sea weed.

The Fog thickened.
Birds travelled up and down the water's edge as if using it as as a guide.

Beach Buoy found a Tilley Hat.
Insured against loss...

Three of the 7 a.m. club appeared from the fog.
They chatted briefly but were soon off ahead.

"Morning Mate."
It was 6-15 a.m.
Beach Buoy added some stones.
He patted
Not much of a view to admire today.
Beach Buoy stayed at the stack a while.
A man with two black German Shepherds, dropped down onto the beach. The had come from the south.
They disappeared into a foggy north.
Mari appeared, the big friendly Poodle.
The 7 a.m. club had already returned to the north.
Free spirit Mari was playing catch up.
She too disappeared into a foggy north.
He heard dogs fight.
He presumed that she had reached the German Shepherds?
He hoped she was o.k.
He later found out that she was.

"See you mate."
Beach Buoy and Another Dog joined the foggy north club.
Beach Buoy touched his hair.
It was full of water droplets.
It the wettest of fogs.

The sea did sea things, foggy or not.

After a while, the sun tried to break through it all.

 A couple of beach regulars passed by.
Beach Buoy and Another Dog headed to the van.
The sunrise seekers head along the promenade with a damp blanket and some memories.