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Thursday 8 April 2021


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog arrived at a windy car park at 4-30pm

Free parking starts at 6pm.

Beach Buoy had managed to slide out a pound coin from his piggy bank with the help of a butter knife, to pay  for an earlier visit.

The Mobile Fun Fair that sets up next to the car park every year, was turning up in dribs and drabs.

A young prat in an old Audi came screeching into the car park.

Beach Buoy readied himself and his mate, Stubborn Dog for the beach.

As they stepped away from the van, an old prat in a young Audi, sped out of the car park.


thought Beach Buoy.

They headed for the water's edge.

They reached the sea as the village church bells rang out for 4-45pm.

It was 4-41...

Shifting sand shifted from the dunes, out to sea.

The strong wind from the west, let the breaking waves know just who was boss. 

Two young girls ran towards the sea, screaming.

The sea roared and they ran away from the sea screaming a little louder than they had earlier.

A lady sat on a driftwood log as her eager black dog ran to and from the sea and back again.

The higher dunes at the south end of the beach, provided some shelter.

They headed up to stack the stack.

The soul sailors had battened down the hatches, not wanting to be sent to sea again.

Once the weather had calmed they could sit with a sea view telling seafaring stories as tall as the masts of a schooner.

They headed back to the beach.

Next stop Sand Martin Corner.

Beach Buoy found an alley.....

... and a Limpet.

Beach Buoy placed the creature onto a flat rock in the hope that it was ok?

A lady Jogger jogged up above, on the top of Sand Martin's sandy dune edge.

Beach Buoy wasn't sure if she was aware of the sandy overhang she was crossing. 

It rained for around one minute.

The sun came out.

The sun was better company for the slow walk back.

Plenty of space for the walk back.

About half way back, the wind picked up, maybe due to less cover from the lower dunes?

The sea rolled into the Bay.

They headed back to van, crossing the shifting sand as they did so.

Beach Buoy recorded the finds and drank coffee.