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Sunday 25 April 2021


They headed for the beach.

It was around 5-43am.

Only one street light was still switched on.

No one told it that the party was over.

The Cricket pitch was frosted over.

They reached  the car park at 5-49 am.

A dog walker walked the water's edge under a free-range egg yolk of a sun.

The air was still.

The Wind Turbines were stood idle with

"Arms." raised as if they were saying 

"Told you so."

The air was chilly.

About a dozen or so Oyster Catchers picked at the sand between the strand line and dune edge. 

Some beach regulars milled about.

Painted driftwood reflected the sunlight.


A couple passed by near the strand line.

They left very contrasting footprints.

A Skylark with new batteries fitted sang over the Stack as it was stacked.

It tried its best to drown the sea.

Beach Buoy returned to the beach and headed south, searching shingle as he walked.

The distant wave lady's Dog ran ahead of its owner once more to say hello.

Beach Buoy found an alley either made from 

marble (marble.)

or Alabaster (Alley.)

Ghost fishing gear; beach cleaned.

Fishermen use the containers as floats

They tie rope through the handle.

The rope cuts through the thinner plastic.

The Golden Sun turned silver.

Slow walk back.

Another wind-blown balloon burst and beach cleaned.


The finds.


Kettle on.


Coffee and Doughnut.

Beach Buoy.