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Friday 2 April 2021


Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog reached the car park at 6-38 am.
It was overcast.
A bakery delivery driver was parked up.
A lady jogger was on the promenade doing her stretches.
It looked as if she was trying to topple the promenade wall.
A Council van with flashing lights and a cyclist with an attitude headed south towards the end of the promenade.

It was a grey day; the sky, the sea and the car park tarmac.
A man dressed all in black, headed north on the promenade.
He had black headphones on.
Beach Buoy sipped the coffee that he had brought for later.
A man dressed all in black, headed north on the promenade.
He was still wearing headphones.
Beach Buoy was a little confused.
Is the lack of sleep playing catch up?

They headed for the sea.
It was ten minutes after sunrise by now.
It was stoney walk to the sea.
Shifting sand had shifted but it would return.

A single shaft of sunlight shone down onto the horizon.
The underbelly of some clouds had a hint of orange.
A few more shafts of light reached down to the sea.
It was like the preparations for a concert.
Beach Buoy half expected to hear the words
'One-two, one -two.'' come drifting across the bay.

It looked quiet, down to the North.

It was 7-05 am
The 7 am club were ahead of  Beach Buoy and their usual timetable.
A late arrival walked the water's edge, with her brown dog trying to catch the club up.
Beach Buoy has unofficially named the dog Chocolate Pudding.
When it rains, Beach Buoy renames the dog. Chocolate Pud and Custard, thanks to his bright yellow raincoat
Beach Buoy waved.
The lady waved back.
She caught up.
Upon reaching the large driftwood bench, two of the club stopped, the remainder carried on to the south.
Another of the club's members played catch up and joined the driftwood set.
Beach Buoy wondered just what had caused the 7 am club mix up?
Perhaps a messages had been sent to all, by Carrier Seagull and the bird had been distracted by a discarded tray of chips?

Beach Buoy was drawn to some upright driftwood.
Always a decent photo opportunity.
As he positioned himself to take the photograph, the sun appeared like a sleepy eye, checking to see what time the alarm clock was showing; it had already overslept.
Then in a blink of the same eye, it was  gone.

They stacked the stack and feasted on sea air.

There was no beach access to Sand Martin Corner.

They headed back to the north.

Oyster Catchers swooped and landed to a fanfare of whistles.
They scampered to the strand line as though they had a secret to share.

They walked the walk to the north.
A jogger headed south.
A man with two yapping dogs headed south.
A man with a scottie dog headed south.
A jogger headed south, it could have been the same one as the earlier one, just fifteen years later.

Beach Buoy photographed the Seaton Wreck information board for reference and the blog.

Beach Buoy put on the radio and drank pre-made coffee from his blue thermal cup.
The litter pick lady parked nearby.
The lady with a dog with a hatred for Shitzus.
She went to the promenade and moved the council wheelie bin, she didn't seem happy with its location?
She began her litter pick as her white scottie dog, dug and dug and dug in the sandy grass that ran alongside the promenade in places.

A man dressed all in black, headed north on the promenade.
He had black headphones on.
They had been on the beach for around 90 minutes.
Beach Buoy watched the man.
The man walked so far on the promenade and preceded to walk the perimeter of the car park.
He must have decided to walk the car park instead of the beach?
This time he stopped so far around the car park, rotated 180 degrees before heading towards the village.

Beach Buoy recorded the mornings finds as he finished the last of the coffee.


Promenade people travelled the promenade.

Breach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed off .