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Thursday 15 April 2021


Beach Buoy closed the van door at 6-10pm.

It was bright and breezy.

The tide was high.

A pony and trap, clip clopped along the promenade, before doing the same down onto the concrete access ramp to the beach.

The headed headed for the waters edge before heading north.

Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog also headed for the water's edge but then they headed south as they always do.

Beach Buoy looked for finds as the sea came in and out then in again.

It was around high tide.

Beach Buoy usually checks, it didn't matter today.

The sea was where it was and the same applied to Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog too.

A super friendly dog came over ; Milo.

A cavercockerpooadoodledoodle

You know what I mean?

The dog was very friendly; the owners very apologetic.

There was no need , it was a smashing little dog.

It must have ran back to Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog 8 or 9 times?

The sea was claiming more and more of the dry sand as the walk progressed. 

A man with two Beagles headed north.

A bald man / blonde lady combo held hands at the water's edge as they too headed for the north.

They stacked the stack at 6-59pm.

Then it was down to the nearby sea and head north.

They had the sun in their eyes and the fresh breeze on their backs.

A Friendly Black Spaniel came over to say hello.

It held a bald tennis ball in it's mouth.

It did a leg lean against Beach Buoy as he stroked its very long and silky coat.

The dog wanted to say hello but had no intension of sharing the ball.

It was turning its head await try and hide it.

Beach Buoy imagined that the Dog would be talking like a poor ventriloquist if it could talk at all.

Beach Buoy recorded the finds.


Then they continued a slow walk back...

as they do.


Beach Buoy.