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Saturday 24 April 2021


1-39, am still up.

Saturday morning...

2-20 am, Computer update complete.



(5-41 am)

3-00 am, milky coffee.

4-40 am, birds singing.

"No point trying to find sleep now"

5-25 am Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog head for the beach.

They arrived at 5-30am.

Eleven minutes to sunrise.

There was low cloud but high expectations.

Sunrise came and went almost unnoticed.

Two sunrise seekers stood at the water's edge under a sky sponsored by Grey.

There was a cold breeze off the sea.

(Sponsored by North; a subsidiary of Grey Corp.)

Beach Buoy pulled up two hoods and stuffed chilly hands into jean pockets.

He kicked shingle as he walked, looking for finds.

He found a 

21 balloon.

He burst and beach cleaned it.

The wind off the sea will have blown it to shore.

The bay was a little moody.

Sea Glass.

A heavy base, possibly a vase?

Or maybe one of those bottles with much more bottle than contents?

Stubborn Dog became more Stubborn.

There was a lady heading south.

She walked nearby

"Does he want to say hello?"

"He just gets freaked out when someone walks behind."

"I know how he feels."

She carried on south.

Beach Buoy was now "Behind."

He was just about to collect stones for the stack.

He decided to leave it until later.

Walking behind armed with stones wasn't a good look.

The lady picked finds and paused to photograph the sea before heading back to the north.

The distant wave lady's dog ran ahead of its owners to say hello to Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog.

Beach Buoy searched more shingle.
He sat down at the side of the Pier.
He drank coffee from a thermal cup.
The Skylarks sang.
Stubborn Dog slept.

Beach Buoy laid out the finds of the day on the top one of the WW2 Tank Traps.

He headed back.

A few steps into the return journey he spotted and collected a sea alley.


He burst and beach cleaned another wind-blown balloon.

Sea Pottery that looks like the Bay's Wind Turbines.

It was 6-50am when Beach Buoy finally stacked the stack.

He stood and listened to the sea and the Skylarks.

The slow walk back.

The Water Treatment Plant always reminds Beach Buoy of a Roman Villa.


Base Camp.

Time for another coffee and a spotty toasted teacake.

Some more finds on the way back.