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Sunday 4 April 2021


It was 4-21 am.

Milky coffee for one and a comfy cushion for a, still-tired Stubborn Dog.

Stubborn Dog collapsed onto the cushion.

Beach Buoy headed to the computer to do the Middleton blogpost.

It was 6-09 am when they reached the beach car park.

The radio had just played 

"I say a little prayer."

It was Easter Sunday after all .

They left the car park behind them as they headed for the water's edge and a 6-29 sunrise.

It had been a cold and clear night.

The dunes were dusted with frost like a sponge cake is with Icing sugar.

A perfect half moon looked out to sea, as if keen for the sunrise too.

It must have been a long night?

Stubborn Dog had two coats on.

While Beach Buoy was sporting a double hood and fingerless gloves matching combination.

A couple left the car park in search of a sunrise and some sea.

The tide was well out; a plus.

6-29 am the Sun appeared.

The Mars-like sun rose as Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog headed southwards.

Mars turned into a lemon.

No golden sunrise this morning.

It was still breathtaking and well worth being up early for.

Every missed sunrise is a treasure lost forever.

Angels had flown north.

Really, they had.

It was Easter Sunday after all.

The Sun watched over the Gulls as they had breakfast down the Sea Serpent marker.

They stacked the stack.

An unknown lady walked the water's edge.

She raised a waving arm in recognition of  a fellow early morning beach person.

No words needed, the raised arm said it all.

Beach Buoy mirrored her signal.

Contactless contact.

Solar and wind.

They headed back to the beach and onto North Gare Pier to see if the ....


had arrived yet?


They had.

Beach Buoy stood for ages watching them swoop around.

He tried to his best to catch a good photograph of them.

He must have taken a hundred of blue sky and only two of Sand Martins.

He only counted four.

Hopefully more will catch a later flight?

They took a hit last year when the sandbank collapsed overnight after heavy rain.

Beach Buoy dug through some of the slippage the next morning, to see if any could be found and hopefully saved.

He never found any. 

Their numbers had definitely been reduced by the sad event.

They headed back.

Beach Buoy paused to photograph today's finds.

The piece with writing on will have read 

botaNICAL ginger beer (or ) brewers


They continued their journey north.

Two Spaniels....

The Village Church Bells rang out for 8 am (it was 7-57.)

someone must have complained?

A lady on the Promenade had been talking on her phone whilst she watched a ship sail out to sea.

"Take care my sweet.

Bon Voyage

I will miss you every second of every single day'......

heard Beach Buoy's imagination.

In reality she was most probably calling her soon-to-arrive  dog owning friend, to ask where she was?

The friend and her dog turned up.

The trio headed north.

Beach Buoy drank coffee and read.

Page 235

Seaton Carew.

"Long stretch of white sand with some coal dust..."

Promenade People.
A Cyclist.

Van Owners.........
A couple pulled up alongside in a white VW Transporter T5 van.
The lady stepped out to take photographs of the van.
Shortly afterwards the male driver was out.
he opened the rear barn doors and took out some workman type items as the lady took photographs of the inside of the van.
The items and occupants were returned to the van and off they went.