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Friday 1 June 2018


As Beach Buoy put the Dog in the Car for the very short journey to the Beach, he looked up to see a Seagull sunbathing on his roof.
It warmed his heart, as the Sun likewise warmed the Seagull.

They arrived at a  busy Car Park at 18-55.
Two men sat in their car, one smoking.
It was pretty obvious they were woman watching as opposed to people watching.
Beach Buoy and his mate crossed over a small wall near the Dunes.
The Beach was still fairly busy.
The Bucket and Spade Brigade had troops stationed at various locations along the Beach.
A barefoot lady walked with her Dog, collecting Sea shells as she went.

The tide was fairly high up on the Sunlit Beach.
The body of a Gannet laid just beyond The Sea, it was laid flat on it's back; wings outstretched. It still had some of it's Beautiful Colouring, but life had gone.

It was a refreshing, bright night,most welcome after the Mist of recent days.
A couple sat up in the Dunes, watching as Beach Buoy and mate bordered the Sea.

The route back reminded Beach Buoy of a Zebra Crossing.
As they left the Beach he noticed a person in a Canoe or Kayak out in the Bay... it reminded him of a well known local story.
Canoe Man.

Beach Buoy returned to the Car Park as a Motor Cyclist, roared into place. he had some sort of fur with ears on his helmet; bright orange.
A couple sat in the front seats of their Car, both with phones in their hands, both staring at their devices for input.