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Sunday 10 June 2018


Beach Buoy was up at 4-50 am.
He did some work on his Blog and drank Coffee.
By 6-25am Beach Buoy and his Dog were down at the Beach Car Park. The Council workers were busy and efficient.
A Red Car pulled quickly into the Car Park, a man dashed out and almost ran to the Promenade Wall as if looking for someone urgently. He paced around a little and then he walked quickly back to his Car whilst puling on one of his ears.

The Car sped off.
A Couple wearing Shorts joined the Beach the same time as Beach Buoy but they sped off too.

The tide was way out and there was a slight breeze was off the Sea It was mild. A man marched past walking the straightest of  lines, like a route planner for the Roman Army.

Beach Buoy and Dog walked as far as the Gare. Lots of Seaweed had ended up there.
The Seaweed  baking in the early Sun attracted the Flies, the Flies attracted the Sand Martins.

The Sand Dune wall is home to The Sand Martins.
The Seven o'clock club were spotted at 7-28 am.
The Large poodle appeared for it's neck rub out of nowhere.
Beach Buoy never saw it coming; it just arrived.
Beach Buoy headed back and put on some Sun Glasses; THIS WAS GETTING SERIOUS!

Balloon time....

And another...

Then Beach Buoy found this and this happened ...


Beach Buoy and Dog returned to the Beach at 19-43 that Day.
It had been a hot day. it had cooled earlier but now the Sun was out again; The Sun had obtained it's second wind... if a Sun gets a second wind?

More Balloon tatters!

and another......

Beach Buoy thought the rock pools down by the Gare looked nice in the light.

Beach Buoy headed back towards a Lemon Sun.

Beach Buoy washed his recents finds for photographic purposes.

and again.