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Sunday 24 June 2018


Beach Buoy and One Dog arrived 6-30am.
Two Seagulls where in the Car Park, walking side by side both doing kitten impressions.
The Council Workers turned up and carried out their excellent work.
There was to be an Official Beach Clean today.
The Strand line was undefined today.
The Little Stubborn Dog sniffed that air as if doing a Big Dog Risk Assessment or was it last night campers making breakfast.
The Tees Tugs came out to guide in a Ship.
A Skylark sang out over the Beach rather than the dunes as it normally did.
Beach Buoy rested up against one of the World War Two defence blocks. They laid in a line, once a proud Snarl of Concrete Teeth, now they were just decaying and leaning at all angles.
A Dentist's nightmare or a New Car?
Beach Buoy closed his eyes and relaxed.

A Large Green Plastic Box was carried back to the prom; part of a beach clean along with cans and bottles.
A sticker on the box stated.

The Clouds hid the Eager Sun.

The Two rested on the Promenade wall.
They watched the world go by.
A Jogger in black came off the Beach via the ramp.
He stopped running at the Ramp.
He walked up, hands on hips.
He had headphones on, in his own world.
He got to the top of the ramp and said out loud to the outside world....