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Saturday 2 June 2018


Beach Buoy was up at 5-20am.
The Dog finally woke about 6-20am
They headed for the Beach around 6-30am,
driving the short distance there.
On their short journey they passed a Golfer on the way to the Golf Club pushing his Golf Trolley. Another man was heading back from the newsagents with his folded paper under his arm and a Council Worker cleaned the previous day's rubbish.
They actually arrived on the Beach at 6-38am.
High tide had been at 6-22am.
It wasn't cloudy as such, most of the sky was one Pale colour, so maybe just overcast?
There was a thin slither of light on the horizon, Beach Buoy could see three Ships a sailing by.
Two Joggers came into view on the Dunes, one seemed more energetic than the other.
A fellow Beachcomber walked by as it pecked at the Sand.
Four Balloons!!!!

Make it 5.

Make it 6.
Beach Buoy stood for a while, hands in pockets, eyes shut, facing the Sea, enjoying the slightest of breezes blowing over his face.
He glanced down at the Dog, it also was looking out to Sea but sniffing the Sea air.
The two sat on some rocks.  The seven o'clock club appeared and the large poodle came for it's neck rub. 

Raindrops started to fall and the 7 o'clock club headed back.
Beach Buoy stayed a while and thought some deep thoughts, as deep as the Sea he loved so much.

Beach Buoy partially buried the dead Gannet from last night as it was attracting flies. A few steps along and Beach Buoy found this........
The Beach was becoming busier. 
A horse and rider trotted by, a Spaniel with a Lady owner ran up and down the water's edge barking at the breaking waves.... it looked like fun.

Hartlepool has a fairly new Coffee Shop.......

Beach Buoy sorted out the beach clean and recycled what he could.

BBC article by Amy Gladwell about Beach Cleaners.

Beach Buoy washed the finds of recent walks and drank Tea.