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Sunday 17 June 2018


As Beach Buoy left the house he could see the Bay Wind Turbines turning ever so slowly; a good guide to the conditions down on the Beach.
He arrived at the Beach at 6-36am with one dog. Beach Buoy had gone to bed so very late that it could be called early! He had brought a eco friendly cup of coffee in a metal thermal cup for later. Before leaving the Car he took a sip.... "That's breakfast sorted." he thought to himself. His was the third car in the Car Park today.
The clouds hung low like a suspended ceiling to the North, West and South.To the East,out at Sea the ceiling began to crack to reveal a Pale Blue sky kissed with Lemon from the hidden but Eager Sun.
Beach Buoy walked South on the combined strand-line / water's edge, as the tide had just turned.
The narrow strip of Beach seemed quite busy all of a sudden. Two Hoods went up.
The other Beach goers stormed ahead,
heading South, off to claim Gold, Silver and the Bronze.
Beach Buoy wouldn't even beat his personal best today.

Beach Buoy was collecting rubbish as he walked. He looked up into the Dunes where the Friday night revellers had been. It did his heart good to see lady with a large bag collecting the remaining party aftermath like a professional. He felt like shouting "THANK YOU!'  but she, like him may be in their own little piece of the world and he didn't want to disturb.
There were lots of twists of Camouflage  Coloured Sea Weed today, like discarded Army wear, after some failed Beach Landing. There was ammunition too, Cans, Bottles and Balloons. No wonder the Beach Landing failed.
What Army could win with that?
7-23am first siting of the 7 a.m. dog walkers club.

Beach Buoy sat on the Dune edge just opposite the Sea Serpent. The Dog carried on the War theme by resting in a  Doggy dug dug-out. His Coat was better as Beach Camouflage.
A Seal popped up and down in a fairly regular rhythm , just in front of Beach Buoy.
Beach Buoy reached for his Camera on his phone and .......
Out of nowhere the friendly Large Poodle  from the 7a.m. club and two of her friends were all over Beach Buoy and Stubborn Dog .
Just saying Hello; nothing more.
They were gone as quickly as they had came.
The Seal had too.
A Friendly fire incident.

Beach Buoy sat a while longer pondering the lure of the Sea.
He couldn't swim.
His Father couldn't swim. 

Beach Buoy seems to remember it was a superstition?
If you learn how to swim and go out in boats you will end up needing to use the skill.
Beach Buoy was in the inflatable Arm Band Brigade at School.
He  do could depths no problem at all.
He never did graduate to making a float out of pyjamas or rescue a house brick from the Pool Floor.
His pondering had give the 7a.m club a head start back.
Beach Buoy headed back, now that there was a good Personal Beach Space between them.
He brushed the damp sand from his jeans and headed back for his coffee and Kit Kat.
Narrow fingers of the receding Sea tried to reach back to claim the beach as if in a photo finish, struggling to be the one to claim the most Westerly point.

The narrow strip of sand was becoming a little like a Motorway as the walk progressed and more and more Dogs and People said "Hello" to a Sunday Beach.
Beach Buoy stuck to the slow Lane.
An imaginary Abnormal Wide Load sign on his back.
He chose a low gear, up hill all the way lately.