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Saturday 23 June 2018


Two Dogs and Beach Buoy arrived 19-45.
The tide was well out.
There was a breeze from the South - East.
A Man and Boy sent beeps across the Beach with their metal detectors.
A Border Collie ran way ahead of it's owners, waiting; eventually, for them to catch up.
Once they had it was off again like a priest at an empty Church looking for the flock.
He was later spotted chasing Seagulls along the water's edge... The Collie not the Priest!


The recent History of the Beach revealed itself as the three walked along.
Big Boots.
Small Shoes.
Big Dog Paws.
Little Dog Paws.
Dinosaur!.. sorry,
Even Bigger Dog Paws.
Bare Feet.
Flat feet.

A Family group walked by, lead by the older teenage reluctant Beach walker.
One night out that won't show up on Bookface.

Up on the edge of the Dunes a tip of a Tepee type Tent stood proud of the Sandy Banks.
A group were camping tonight.
A black folding chair sat  determinedly between two delves in the Dunes, looking out to Sea.
The best seat in the House, waiting to be claimed.

A White Pale Moon sat up in the Whiter Clouds as if in disguise; as it does from time to time, waiting to claim the short night sky as it's chance to shine.

They headed back; sad to be leaving but the view was worth it.

Some Dog walkers had appeared from the Dunes.
Beach Buoy wondered what their particular story was as their Silhouettes  walked towards the light.

Nature can be cruel but it can also be beautiful.
The Slowly Lowering Sun cast a stunning light on the water trapped by the actions of the waves.